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LIASA activates a special production for health emergency


Adapting in difficult times is almost a moral obligation. This has been stated by the management of LIASA La Industrial Algodonera in La Selva del Camp, that has reoriented part of its production to manufacture components of medical protective devices to contribute to the fight against Coronavirus.

In just one weekend, it has adapted several production lines to tirelessly manufacture elastic bands suitable for sewing in protective masks. The company has enabled 4 production shifts seven days a week, so it is manufacturing 24 hours a day and thus trying to respond to the huge health demand due to the crisis caused by Covid-19. And this was also reflected in the provincial newspaper Diari de Tarragona.

LIASA CEO and Vice President Jaime Cabré explains that with 100,000 meters of elastic band there can be manufactured around 350,000 masks. Current changes and adjustments in the production lines are allowing a daily manufacture of 20,000 meters, that is, the equivalent of 60,000 masks per day.

In fact, the entire textile industry has engaged in these new tasksand more specifically LIASA has collaborated with several companies in the sector within the province.Each company contributed in part of the components to finally donate the material once assembled. In this case, LIASA has not only the capacity to manufacture elastic bands and ribbons, but can also provide them cut to size in order to reduce sewing times and speed up a production for which every minute counts