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LIASA: Firmly Advancing towards a Zero Carbon Footprint


Leading with Actions: Our Journey towards Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability

In a scenario where corporate sustainability is key to forging an equitable and healthy future, at LIASA, we are steadfastly moving towards a zero carbon footprint, reflecting our determined dedication to efficiency and environmental responsibility.

What is a zero carbon footprint?

In a world where many companies seek to reduce their carbon footprint, at LIASA, we stand out by going further: we are committed to eliminating our carbon footprint. What exactly does that mean? Reducing the carbon footprint involves decreasing emissions, but the goal of a zero carbon footprint goes beyond. We aim not only to reduce but to completely eliminate our greenhouse gas emissions, working to neutralize and compensate for every gram we generate.

At LIASA, we don't just talk about sustainability, we live it every day! Our commitment to a cleaner and more sustainable future is reflected in a series of concrete actions that integrate innovation and environmental responsibility at the heart of our operations.

  • Implementing solar panels: At LIASA, we have integrated more than 400 solar panels into our facilities, transforming our energy consumption. This strategy has not only drastically reduced our dependence on non-renewable sources but has also marked a significant milestone by decreasing our energy costs.

  • Energy efficiency through process optimization: We strive to optimize every aspect of our operation, from waste management to modernizing our production lines with innovative technologies. We have implemented advanced recycling systems and adopted energy-efficient machinery. In our offices, we have implemented low-consumption lighting systems, the use of efficient electronic devices, and promote remote work to reduce the carbon footprint derived from commuting. Every action in our workspace is directed towards reducing our environmental footprint.

  • Designing sustainable products: Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in the essence of our products. We have embraced the challenge of creating a complete range of cords and tapes using recycled, recyclable, and natural materials. Each product not only meets high-quality standards but is also a tangible expression of our commitment to environmental responsibility.

  • Environmental certifications: We back our dedication with industry-leading environmental certifications such as FSC, ISO 14001, and Global Recycled Standard. These certifications not only validate our efforts but also assure our customers that they are purchasing products that meet the highest standards of sustainability and environmental ethics.

At LIASA, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond simple actions; it is a reflection of our conviction that companies have a responsibility to be agents of positive change. From installing solar panels to adopting sustainable designs, every decision we make is a firm step towards a greener future. We are woven into the fabric of environmental responsibility, and in every product we offer, we reaffirm our commitment to building a more sustainable and equitable world.

Would you like to discover how our sustainable products can make a difference in your business? Join the journey towards a greener future with LIASA! Contact us at +34 977 844 000 or via email at