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Strengthening Textile Sustainability: LIASA Hand in Hand with the Swedish University of Borås


Between May 15th and 17th, LIASA had the opportunity to participate in hackathons, intensive collaboration events between teams of students and professionals, organized by the ADDTEX project, led by AEI Tèxtils. On this occasion, students from four universities from different European countries participated, working in collaboration with companies from the clusters associated with the consortium to find solutions to various challenges posed by these companies.

The activity was developed in a hybrid format, facilitating international contact and allowing students to get a close look at how companies operate. During the event, students proposed innovative solutions in the fields of sustainability, digitalization, and smart textiles, being evaluated by a jury composed of representatives from the companies themselves.

As members of the AEI Tèxtils cluster, we participated in this hackathon with the aim of finding alternatives that improve the sustainability of our products. A group of students from the University of Borås worked on specific proposals for us, bringing fresh and viable ideas for the future of LIASA, including the use of recycled materials, more efficient production processes, and the implementation of advanced technologies to reduce waste.

Our participation in this type of initiative reinforces our commitment to young talents, providing them with a space where they can develop their ideas and gain practical experience in the textile industry. At LIASA, we believe that collaboration with students not only enriches our innovation process but also contributes to the professional development of the next generation of leaders in the textile sector.